
Stop speaking for my generation, you louts!

teenager_generation_old_reading.jpgby JACOB LINDSTROM

I’ll tell ya, if there’s one thing a young columnist likes me dislikes more than irresponsible kids doing irresponsible things, it’s irresponsible adults doing irresponsible research. How else to explain the occurrence of yet another media frenzy about kids and their newsgathering sources?
Today’s Romenesko (a daily news and gossip website for working journalists, both professional ones, like Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times, and amateur ones, like myself) features another infuriating posting: a link to a story in the Chicago Tribune entitled “Papers not a must read: A generation of young adults turns to the Internet as its primary news source”.
Well, guess what, Mr. Mike Hughlett? (He’s the author of the piece.) I’m tired of having lesser-minded twits like one student you quoted, Heather Tody, whose “favorites are, and Oprah Winfrey’s home page” represent my tastes and reading pleasures! Or Josh Darrah, whose information-gathering consists of “sites devoted to comics that are exclusive to the Web.”
Mr. Hughlett, why don’t you bother digging deeper in your investigative research? For instance, you could have asked me about my reading habits. Though I’m only 16 years old, and not part of the collegiate demographic you cite in your article, I still think I count as part of the generation about which you were trying so hard to make broad, sweeping generalizations. The Generalization Generation? That’s you, Mr. Hughlett!
Each and every morning as I make my way to the dining halls here at Exeter, other students may be clutching their copies of Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare, or Algebra II by Houghton-Mifflin, in preparation for homeroom discussions or pop quizzes…but I always make sure to stop in the school’s library and check out the headlines on the print edition of the New York Times and the Boston Globe. Why? Because you know that when something is printed on paper, it has endurance going for it, and more importantly, legacy, unlike the online editions of newspapers’ websites, or the blogs kept by some of my classmates. Yes, Google has already cached the unpleasant things that Jeremy Forrester and Alfred Liu and Jesse Quinlan said about my behavior at lunchtime last Tuesday, when I slipped on a wet spot on the floor near where the trays are stored, but that doesn’t mean Google was able to cache the cellphone photos they took of this unfortunate incident after I complained to Vice Principal Hartley and they had to take their entries down.
See what I mean? If this news had been reported in the print edition of the New York Times, it would have lived on forever, searing the truth into the public’s conscience for all eternity. Much like the paper’s reports about Superdome rapes, Wen Ho Lee, and Ahmad Chalabi, people many years from now might have picked up hard copy portrayals of my embarrassing tumble and laughed at my misfortune…and known the truth of that shameful day.
Ultimately, how we read is important. It’s a matter of the comfort and security that holding a hard copy of a broadsheet newspaper provides its readers, whether they’re scanning the familiar page layout for relevant headlines, or using the massive width of the sheet of unfolded paper to shield their eyes from their classmates’ scowls and laughter. I only wish the paper stock were thicker and stronger, to better withstand the writing utensils and pen caps thrown my way.
But I’m still sticking with print, Mr. Hughlett.

Grave Unintentionally Hilarious

Unintentionally Hilarious Photo of the Moment, vol. 59


Grave Satirical

EXCLUSIVE! The indictments are in, and the wait is over!

After a long day of nervous waiting — complete with capricious salivating and nail-biting — by political pundits, the media and bloggers far and wide, “Plamegate” Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald, we have just learned, has returned from the federal courthouse with four, count ’em, four indictments in tow. And, suffice it to say, this goes straight to the very top of the U.S. government…

plame_indictments_hadley.jpg White House National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley

A real wild card, the inclusion of Hadley in the mix…While he worked alongside Condoleezza Rice during the build-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, as well as during the White House’s planning stages in 2001 and 2002, few longtime observers of the Fitzgerald investigation had ever really pegged Hadley as having much to do with the leaking of Valerie Plame’s name to media sources. Though, according to documents, Hadley apparently played a heretofore unknown role in the subsequent cover-up, and has now been indicted for perjury.

plame_indictments_libby.jpg Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby

Libby, of course, had long been speculated to be one of the primary targets of the Fitzgerald investigation, so his indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice pertaining to the cover-up of the Wilson matter will come as no surprise to those who knew all along the degree to which he sought to protect his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney, from being tainted by the grand jury’s inquest. And, it seems, in sacrificing himself, he succeeded in saving his boss’ hide, as Cheney seems to have safely skirted through the investigation unharmed.

plame_indictments_rove.jpg Deputy chief of staff and top presidential political adviser Karl Rove

“Bush’s Brain”, as he’s been called time and again, was, alongside Libby, long determined to be one of the major architects of the White House smear campaign against Ambassador Joseph Wilson. So his indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice also comes as no surprise. Whether or not he will resign later today, and the damage such an action will do to Bush’s presidency, remains to be seen.

plame_indictments_comerford.jpg White House executive chef Cristeta Comerford

Finally, the big gun…an indictment for criminal conspiracy in the effort to reveal the identity of an undercover CIA operative. Though Comerford was only recently hired by First Lady Laura Bush this past August — a mere two months ago — anonymous sources within the President’s staff have reported that the first female to ever serve as the White House’s executive chef had been a longtime problem for the administration. Starting with her efforts to discredit Joseph Wilson for making disparaging comments about the administration’s making a deceptively inaccurate link between Iraqi heads of state and the acquisition of Nigerian uranium, sources say that Comerford’s name has been revealed on transcripts from journalists Matthew Cooper and Walter Pincus as the primary source of the now infamous leak of Wilson’s wife’s identity. These sources also add that scribbled within Pincus’ notebook were numerous references to “yellow cake” and “flame”, which had erroneously been thought to reference Comerford’s pastry recipes and sautee methodology.

When asked for comment by reporters covering the case moments ago, Comerford was weeping and defiant as she made her way through the White House’s front gate, stammering, “I don’t know what’s going on…I don’t know what I did wrong! I did nothing wrong!”

Sources had no comment on her strongly-worded denials.


For Shame! Turning your backs on your biggest donors like this…

“Republicans Ask Oil Industry for Help With Fuel Prices”, the New York Times, October 26, 2005
“Major Oil Company Profits Expected To Be $96B, Up From $68B Last Year…”, the Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2005 (by way of the Huffington Post)


When even President Bush seems to have stopped taking this war seriously…

“Iraq war has taken a toll of 2,000 — Latest death reflects a trend: Insurgency now flares up in areas U.S. thought safe”, the Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2005
“Bush: Iraq war will require more sacrifice”, Reuters, October 25, 2005:

As the U.S. military death toll in Iraq reached 2,000, President George W. Bush said on Tuesday the war will require more time and sacrifice, and rejected calls for a U.S. pullout.
“Each loss of life is heartbreaking, and the best way to honor the sacrifice of our fallen troops is to complete the mission and lay the foundation of peace by spreading freedom,” Bush said, his voice breaking with emotion as he spoke at a luncheon of military wives at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington.

That emotion that broke his voice? Fear…and the realization that four years of hypocrisy and deception regarding Iraq may very well be taking its toll on his beloved legacy.
Poor sap.


The HuffPo: Good for Politics, Bad for Laughs (or, yet another round of “This is Just Like That”)

lampoon_parody_anything.jpgSituated at the tail end of one of the most recent missives on the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington’s new(ish) website with a political bent (and a penchant for really nailing, several times a week, the various inculcations of “Judith Miller Sucks” that fans of responsible journalism and transparent government have come to demand), was this incredibly depressing statement:

“The Secret Presidential IMs” will now be a regular feature on HuffPo. Check here each Tuesday for a new installment.

Tragic, this news…for this post’s author, one Danielle Crittenden, is one of the most painfully untalented, uninspired writers currently occupying space online. And “The Secret Presidential IMs”, this “feature” of which she speaks? In computer parlance, we’d call this a “bug”…one which seems to recur on Arianna’s site whenever anyone of her stable of writers attempts to post something that one may conceivably interpret as “funny”.
“Ahhhh,” you’re saying to yourself right now, “the so-called humor content available on the site can’t be that uninspired, that unfunny, and that insipidly unoriginal…can it?” (Because that’s how you speak to yourself, isn’t it? You faux-academic wonk.) And then you read these sampled lines below, and you weep with tears of great solemnity, sadly mulling over the Death of Laughter, and her playdate, Originality.

SumNobel4u2: yo prez
Kickass43: ?
SumNobel4u2: bono
SumNobel4u2: yr nu best bud
Kickass43: sonny?!
Kickass43: i thot u wer ded!!!!
SumNobel4u2: BONO
SumNobel4u2: as in rok star
SumNobel4u2: not as in “& cher”
Kickass43: o

“O,” indeed. It’s not as though Crittenden is cribbing from Arianna’s own friend Bill Maher with her oh-so-fresh “Bono/Sonny Bono” take, right? Except, well, she is. And it’s not as though the overarching framework, the “mock conversation” device, has already exhausted itself…”O,” nevermind.
Time for some “hack”ing, then. Through some intrepid computer geekery, we got ahold of a recent IM conversation that was recently held between Arianna’s Guffaw Gang: Danielle Crittenden and her partner in inept, unoriginal joke assembly, Bill Diamond — or, as he’s perhaps better known, the original Funnee Foto Guy. (Greg Gutfeld, the British Maxim editor, and another purported funneeman who sometimes posts on the site, is mostly exempted from this elite list because he’s proven semi-capable of working the blogroom for an occasional laugh here and there, at least when he’s not himself relying heavily on the Onion‘s template.)

frumkinsgal: i’m thinking of doing another presidential im post
BillDiamondsare4eva: ok, and then help me with a caption?
BillDiamondsare4eva: i found a funnee foto of bush in front of a statue
BillDiamondsare4eva: its funnee
frumkinsgal: haha ok
frumkinsgal: so david suggested this to me
frumkinsgal: harriet miers is pretty frumpy right and unqualified?
frumkinsgal: it would be funny to make fun of that and have her im with bush
BillDiamondsare4eva: maybe you can make it like she doesn’t know how to use a computer even though she’s a secretary
BillDiamondsare4eva: thatd be wickedly funny
BillDiamondsare4eva: she can keep messing up and saying “i dont know how to use this keyboard, its not an old typewriter, im so old!” haha!
frumkinsgal: haha ur great
BillDiamondsare4eva: haha
frumkinsgal: hahahah
BillDiamondsare4eva: hahahahahaa
frumkinsgal: hahaahah
BillDiamondsare4eva: hahaa
frumkinsgal: hahhahahaa
BillDiamondsare4eva: hahahahaa
frumkinsgal: hahahahhahah
BillDiamondsare4eva: haha
frumkinsgal: hahaahaha
BillDiamondsare4eva: haha
frumkinsgal: haha
BillDiamondsare4eva: haha
BillDiamondsare4eva: i wish i could come up with better captions to my funnee fotos though
BillDiamondsare4eva: the commenters seem to hate me and think i’m not funny
frumkinsgal: me too
frumkinsgal: it took me this long to realize that long im transcripts won’t be read by impatient people
frumkinsgal: particularly if theyre unfunny
frumkinsgal: you know why i’m going to make it a weekly feature?
frumkinsgal: i hate myself
frumkinsgal: did i ever tell you i wanted to kill myself after i got my husband fired
frumkinsgal: i felt so “evil”
BillDiamondsare4eva: i dont understand
BillDiamondsare4eva: i’d say thats really meta if i understood the concept
BillDiamondsare4eva: but i’m too busy looking at yahoonews photos for funnee fotos
frumkinsgal: i would kill myself if it werent for humor
frumkinsgal: humor keeps me going
frumkinsgal went idle


Please, God, carry me through this time of great difficulty

RELATED: Bushies feeling the boss’ wrath: Prez’s anger growing in hard times – pals, Thomas M. DeFrank, the Daily News, October 24, 2005


Visage Visionaries: South-of-Houston Hipsters, or Houston Astros?

Bearded men in ballcaps = National Leaguers feigning their being up to the task of winning the 2005 World Series.
Bearded man in black and white = anonymous Silverlake-type dweller who probably feigns liking Elliott Smith and Paul Auster. Also, he seems happy, unlike the soon-to-be-eliminated Houston Astros.
RELATED: Time for a shave: Astros rookie shares thoughts on Game 2 loss


In case you ever wondered what’s wrong with privatized healthcare

frist_kfc_healthcare.jpgBuried deep within this morning’s completely-not-shocking “revelations” that President Bush’s handpicked Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) very likely knew what he was doing when he unloaded his soon-to-depreciate healthcare stocks, and may have been involved in some form of so-called insider trading, was this throwaway item:

Questions about his HCA holdings have been a staple of Frist’s public life. The Nashville-based company, the country’s largest chain of for-profit hospitals, was founded in 1968 by Frist’s father, Thomas F. Frist, his brother, Thomas F. Frist Jr., and Jack C. Massey, the former owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Mmmm! That’s quite a tasty, fattening little nugget of information for our liberal diets.


Redactio ad Absurdum

In anticipation of this “Fitzmas” nonsense due sometime this week, here’s hoping special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s indictment(s) and/or reports are a little more nuanced and fleshed-out than this relevant historical document, the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq (July 7, 2004). Page 79, above, is from the section addressing Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s Niger reporting.
You can see it’s page 79 because, well, that’s all you can see. That and some nicely-formatted, indeterminately-numbered bullet points and indentations.