But Those People Were Never Our Target Audience Anyways Desperate Don't Sue Good, We're on the Same Page Now Hive-Minded Link-Pandering Original Video Too 'Office Pirate'-ish?

Good AIM/Bad AIM (Target Practice)

More so-called “original content”: a space-age instructional how-to on the proper protocol for instant messaging communication. Because we all wish we could be as skillful with using original film stock and found footage as noted director Roman Coppola!

And We've Now Graduated to that Mythical 'Next Level' Desperate Don't Sue From the Wizards Who Brought You the First-Ever Dual-Topic, Dual-Column Blog from Way Back When Original Video So What I Was Saying Was, You're Witnessing the Newest, Freshest Trend in Blog-Posting Right Here

Original video content! We’re just like everyone else! The Office: A Documentary Film by Ken Burns

Jazz? Baseball? The Civil War? Borrrrrring.
Documentarian Ken Burns examines the relationship plight that has torn our nation asunder: Karen vs. Pam, from NBC’s The Office. (Part of our pilot project for AOL.)