Desperate Don't Sue From the Wizards Who Brought You the First-Ever Dual-Topic, Dual-Column Blog from Way Back When Life Imitates Blog Link-Pandering OC-centric Old School Original Video Sorta Dumb, Right? Whatever, Go Read A Gossip Blog Then

entertain me! (Pilot #2)

Comedy pilot for AOL. Includes a VH1-styled “fashion police” parody, alongside a short documentary-esque comedy segment about modern urban office life in NYC. Also, puppies.
Hosted by Jordan Carlos. See Episode 1 here.

Desperate Don't Sue Hive-Minded Life Imitates Blog Likely to be Misunderstood Link-Pandering OC-centric Old School Original Video We Made Peace With It and Did It Whatever, Go Read A Gossip Blog Then

entertain me! (Pilot #1)

Comedy pilot for AOL. Includes a piece about Ken Burns analyzing NBC’s The Office, alongside red-carpet interview footage with Julianne Moore and David Duchovny, et al.
Hosted by Jordan Carlos. See Episode 2 here.

Desperate Don't Sue Hive-Minded Life Imitates Blog Old School Original Video

Domains Is Not Cribs

An outtake, deleted scene, or what-have-you from our AOL pilot project starring former “Overheard in New York” editor Michael Malice.
Green carpets, green screens.

Desperate Every Entry Doesn't Have a Clever Graphic Grave Not Funny At All Old School Rare Political Sure To Be Forgotten Whatever, Go Read A Gossip Blog Then

Does That Also Go for Zarqawi?

“They are smart, they are creative, they are committed… They have no regard for life, neither ours nor their own. I believe this was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us.”
– Rear Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., commander of the detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. (Quoted by James Risen and Tim Golden, 3 Prisoners Commit Suicide at Guantánamo, The New York Times, June 11, 2006.)

Desperate Old School

Old Issue
