Desperate Don't Sue Hive-Minded Life Imitates Blog Likely to be Misunderstood Link-Pandering OC-centric Old School Original Video We Made Peace With It and Did It Whatever, Go Read A Gossip Blog Then

entertain me! (Pilot #1)

Comedy pilot for AOL. Includes a piece about Ken Burns analyzing NBC’s The Office, alongside red-carpet interview footage with Julianne Moore and David Duchovny, et al.
Hosted by Jordan Carlos. See Episode 2 here.

Desperate Don't Sue Hive-Minded Life Imitates Blog Old School Original Video

Domains Is Not Cribs

An outtake, deleted scene, or what-have-you from our AOL pilot project starring former “Overheard in New York” editor Michael Malice.
Green carpets, green screens.

Desperate Don't Sue Hive-Minded Original Video Satirical Speculative Sure To Be Forgotten Too 'Office Pirate'-ish? We Made Peace With It and Did It Whatever, Go Read A Gossip Blog Then

The Waverly Interns (…Sigh)

Commissioned by and produced for, featuring noted monologist Mike Daisey, for starters. (No Graydon Carter whatsoever.)

But Those People Were Never Our Target Audience Anyways Desperate Don't Sue Good, We're on the Same Page Now Hive-Minded Link-Pandering Original Video Too 'Office Pirate'-ish?

Good AIM/Bad AIM (Target Practice)

More so-called “original content”: a space-age instructional how-to on the proper protocol for instant messaging communication. Because we all wish we could be as skillful with using original film stock and found footage as noted director Roman Coppola!

Desperate Frankly Pretty Lazy Hive-Minded Link-Pandering

Exclusive, Blah, Blah, Blah, &c.
