In honor of today’s DVD/video release of the Dax Shepard vehicle Without a Paddle, low culture is proud to present the following unpublished excerpt from an interview with Ashton Kutcher, Dax’s Punk’d co-star. (The interviewer shall remain nameless.)
X: Alright my friend has a question for you. He wants to know if we were supposed to accept Dax Shephard as an actor in Without a Paddle or if we were being Punk’d? (chuckles)
Kutcher: I haven’t seen the movie. It may have been. You better tell your friend to stop talking shit about my friend unless he’s an actor and he can outperform that.
X: (chuckling) Do you ummm… are you doing like… your roles like a business person and like a producer?
And now Ashton will finally have his chance to catch the film, described by the Boston Globe as “harmlessly cretinous.”
4 replies on “Dax Power”
Hey! Dax rules, don’t talk trash!!!
Dax is the only person every kicked out of the Groundlings for being too funny.
Here is a brilliant career retrospective on the greatest actor of all time, “Without a paddle”‘s matthew lillard
Here is a brilliant career retrospective on the greatest actor of all time, “Without a paddle”‘s matthew lillard
Easy on pimping your stupid blog, dude. Thanks.