low culture applauds President Bush’s nomination of Nicholas Negroponte to serve as intel chief. As founder and director of MIT’s Media Lab, Mr. Negroponte has done much to further all forms of digital media. His 1995 tome, Being Digital is a remarkably prescient distillation of the computer revolution. Most recently, he has pursued the development of a laptop computer that would sell for under $100. While Mr. Negroponte’s relationship to the intelligence community is as yet unclear, the President’s choice deserves accolades.
13 replies on “Even a Stopped Clock Is Right Twice a Day”
Ummm… I hate to burst your bubble (or fall prey to a fairly good joke), but John Negroponte — not Nicholas — was given the position. He’s a current diplomat and ambassador to Iraq… not as cool.
See more here
Great sleuthing Lee.
posted in a satirical fashion, by jessica
yep. I’d go with fall prey.
god I love when the posts betray me like that. you can delete the second one.
What a lack of a satire radar! He was kidding!!!! 🙂
ha! if only it was nicholas..
for those of you curious about the real director of national intelligence (john negroponte), including his involvement with death squads in honduras and his repeated assertions (into 2004) that iraq had weapons of mass destruction, check out this post: http://thinkprogress.org/index.php?p=266
Uh, Mark, he was kidding when he said it was Nikolas. I think the joke is on you.
Uh, Mark, he was kidding when he said it was Nikolas. I think the joke is on you.
my doppleganger strikes again.
Diff, are you okay? I’m a little worried. I imagine you standing half turned from the machine, arms crossed, chewing your nails, occasionally leaping into action as Einsturzende Neubauten plays on the radio.
Yesterday I was investigating this inescapable feeling I had that John Negroponte was Greek and it turns out not only is he Greek but he is also Nicholas’ older brother. George Tenet, John Negroponte, ever since Spiro Agnew Greeks can only get ahead if they have non-Greek names. From know on call me Laszlo Zagrocek.
I’m fine. Half of those comments weren’t posted by me. I did the initial trifecta post of idiocy and then left for the day.
I’m fine. Half of those comments weren’t posted by me. I did the initial trifecta post of idiocy and then left for the day.
Actually, I was fine until I read all that crap from you, Didi. 🙂
“Einsturzende Neubauten”? Give me a break!!