
Unintentionally Hilarious Photo of the Moment, vol. 23

(Though it may be a bit hard to tell, that is indeed Tony Blair at the G8 summit.)

Grave Satirical

Politicking in the age of America’s “most popular modern President”

For those of you who don’t regularly visit George W. Bush’s campaign website and official weblog and Meet-Up site, you may not have known that for the past several days, the site’s front page has been overtaken by the gargantuan, one-thousand-pixels wide layout sampled above. (Constructive note to the G.O.P. web team: It’s doubtful that the majority of Republican Middle American visitors to your website have screen resolutions greater than 800×600. Just a tip for any future pandering ideas you may have.)
In case you’d forgotten, President Bush has claimed over and over again to have modeled his presidency on Reagan’s, and many articles made available this week have reified this point nicely, if not a bit sardonically. You know, tax cuts, deficit spending, reduction of benefits and social services, increased arms spending, etc. Oh, and patriotism. That last thing comes in handy when you consider the 24/7 orgy of Reagan-worship television viewers have been subjected to since news of his death on Saturday. Notably, many commentators have gone so far as to iterate the idea that Ronald Reagan was the most beloved and popular president of modern times.
In that vein, then, here’s some additional information on The Deity That Was Reagan:

“As measured by Gallup polls, Reagan on average had a 53 … Reagan’s highest job approval rating was 65 percent…His average approval rating was 48 percent in 1987 and 53 percent in 1988, though, like most presidents, he got a final lift in his last month of office, getting a 63 percent approval rating in December 1988.”

Here, as well, is some additional information on The Shame That Was Clinton:

“The president leaves office with 61% of the public approving of the way he is handling the job, combined with a surprisingly lofty 64% favorability rating (up from 48% in May 2000)…”

On that note, John Kerry’s official campaign website is expected to soon post the following splashpage:


You’re Not Following Orders, Soldier!

In today’s Los Angeles Times: “Prison Interrogators’ Gloves Came Off Before Abu Ghraib”
“I said, take the gloves off, soldier!”


Girls Gone Anti-Bush!!!!

g8_girl_protests.jpgFollowing up on our earlier post that asked, “What is the deal with photographers only shooting pretty girls at protests and rallies?”, here are the latest images from the G8 rallies.
Available here: one and two.


Because Bowfinger was such a biting satire of Hollywood…

Paramount, the studio that cruelly brought us Tomb Raider 2 and The Italian Job, has released yet another teaser trailer for their ill-advised remake of The Stepford Wives, only this one has apparently rubbed a handful of prudes the wrong way. Or rather, one particular woman, which in turn lead to a report on this mini-phenomenon by her local television station, which lead to this post, which lead to your being reminded that a film entitled The Stepford Wives is being released soon, hey, this weekend in fact, and hey, maybe I’ll go see that, huh? Hmm, unless I’m going out with my neighbor. I really ought to check my Blackberry.
Anyway, here’s hoping the studio’s P.R. executives are thanking the uninspired marketers who, in this latest teaser, decided to convey the nightmarish prospect of a nation of “Stepford Wives” by including a brief shot depicting President Bush’s National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice as a Grace Jones-esque topless model and Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton as an everyday homemaker (which really isn’t that far removed from Laura Bush, though, right?).
“It’s just inappropriate, and it needs to be stopped,” said the Kansas City woman who brought up the initial complaint. And in hopes of gauging the reaction of a wider audience than just this one woman, the news report mentioned above solicited additional quotes on the matter, like any good entertainment reporter working for a local news outlet should be doing.

Pat Gray, who works with Northstar Marketing Group, said the ad shows bad taste toward Rice and Clinton.
“In today’s media environment, I don’t know whether it’s unacceptable morally or not — distasteful, for sure,” Gray said. “If I were them, I’d probably sue.”
Gray also said the ad wouldn’t drive him to the theater.
“That certainly wouldn’t stimulate me to go see the movie,” he said.

OK, fair enough. But, realistically, people are reacting negatively to the wrong shot in this wannabe-notorious trailer. In fact, it’s the very last shot, which we excerpted below, that really should be serving as discouragement:
(Thanks to Rory MacDonald.)

Grave Satirical

Double feature with Fahrenheit 9/11

(Original photo of Iraqi children part of this Reuters article.)

Grave Versus

Tear down this velvet rope! (I can’t see him from here)

Members of the public solemnly view their fallen leader in Simi Valley, CA, June 8, 2004.
Members of the public solemnly view their fallen leader in Red Square, Moscow, undated.
(Thanks to Choire.)


A personal remembrance from Ronald Reagan’s costar, Bonzo

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RELATED: Other monkeys’ thoughts.


Y Tu Muggle, Tambien


Grave Unintentionally Hilarious

Unintentionally Hilarious Photo of the Moment, vol. 22
