
Chan On Fire

coochan.jpgHas Steve Coogan’s young and promising film career already jumped the shark? After turning in a near-perfect performance in the near-perfect 24 Hour Party People, what is Coogan’s next move? Appearing opposite Jackie Chan, of course, in Disney’s summer release Around the World in 80 Days.
Coogan will star as the eccentric Phileas Fogg and Chan will play his French manservant Passepartout (at least if the film remains true to Verne). In other words, it’s the same surefire comic dyad that has served us so well in Rush Hours 1, 2, and yes, 3; Shanghai Noon and Knights; The Medallion; and The Tuxedo.
Before managing to effectively raze Clare Forlani’s and Jennifer Love Hewitt’s careers into the ground, Jackie Chan transformed the occasionally funny (and occasionally irritating) Chris Tucker into an unfathomably execrable onscreen presence. But not content to stop there, Chan went on to reveal that the potentially annoying Owen Wilson is, in fact, the intolerable wet blanket we suspected all along.
And so we beg you Mr. Chan, don’t take Steve Coogan down with you. What about David Cross or Hank Azaria? You can have them, they’re all yours – just not Coogan.

6 replies on “Chan On Fire”

Coogan’s career jumped the shark years ago. 24 Hour Party People was a fluke. So to speak.

Steve Coogan’s best work is the whole Alan Partridge series that was on BBC. Hopefully BBC America will start showing the series over here, as it is just as funny as “The Office”.

Coogan is terrible! He always has been. Alan Partridge was slightly funny for about two minutes.
He is utterly full of himself and his egomania shines through in everything he does.

Coogan’s next movie is actually Jim Jarmusch’s “Coffee and Cigarettes” which will be released before 80 days. You might want to do some research before posting.

I’m glad Fact Checker brought this horrible factual lapse to the world. If you can’t trust a blog for iron-clad journalistic standards, whom can you trust?

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