Yesterday, ASME (that’s the American Society of Magazine Editors for you great unwashed) announced the 40 greatest magazine covers of the last 40 years. So how does one create a truly great cover? Well, once all the excitement died down, low culture began to search out the subtle threads that link so many of these great, iconic images. Next time, consider the following indicators of greatness before you go to press…
Nudity is Great
Pop Art is Great
Little Kids are Great
Gays are Great
Also consider: Black Backgrounds are Great, Vietnam is Great, Animals Doing Wacky Things are Great, 9/11 (2001 only) is Great
4 replies on “The Cover Story”
Cyndi Lauper is gay … revealed or am I just being Midwestern?
Wait a minute, the morons at the fashion magazines for years have been saying that the only good covers are the one with lotsa numbers on em (ala ’26 lies your tampons tell you’) and yet none of these have numbers…..could it be? ..they’re wrong?
Cindy Lauper is not gay. Her sister is. And so is Details.
And so isn’t CINDI Lauper, sorry.