Army of Headless Clones: Protestors condemn John Bolton, via Yahoo/AFP.
Related: “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.”
Army of Headless Clones: Protestors condemn John Bolton, via Yahoo/AFP.
Related: “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.”
5 replies on “Okay, Now I’m Definitely Against Human Cloning”
Bolton looks like the offspring of Janet Reno and
William Macy’s character in Fargo, at least on those masks.
Ack! Make it stop!
That’s not fair — anyone even moderately evil looks bad when you have that many reproductions of his face! (Of course, he’s still moderately evil.)
I’d say more like Janet Reno and Wilford Brimley’s love child.
That post title is priceless.