
Hold tight and buckle up, boys, cos it’s time to Praaaaaaaaay!!!

RELATED: Bush Marks National Day of Prayer, the Associated Press

8 replies on “Hold tight and buckle up, boys, cos it’s time to Praaaaaaaaay!!!

The right hand certainly doesn’t know what the left is doing there, does it?

“Please don’t let me do the line of coke back at the White House.
“Please don’t let me do the line of coke back at the White House.
“Please don’t let me do the line of coke back at the White House.

At first glance, I swear to God it looked like he was doing a really awkward Twist, and was avoiding scrutiny by not shouting.

the guy on his right (screen left) looks like that swine who hosts “Inside The Actors’ Studio.” Jim-something…the insufferable ass kissing Fracophile piece of shite.

This image represents the control and power that can be gained by an elite and small group of criminals if it panders to the religious right. The christian right are willing to be used to dvide and conquer, even if its at the expense of American values. This makes sense since the religious right’s values are neither religious nor American.

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