
Kinda Makes You Wonder How Much God Paid Her to Write This

001galllagher.jpgFrom Maggie “Mo’ Money” Gallagher’s syndicated column, THE FUTURE OF CATHOLICISM, April 6, 2005, A.D.:

Pope John Paul the Great is not yet buried, but the divisions among American Catholics have already taken center stage on cable television: Will the next pope be Catholic?

Of course, JP II’s critics don’t put it that way. But the long-deferred hopes of this group (call them sexual liberals) — that the Catholic Church is about to abandon its ancient teachings on premarital sex, abortion, divorce, homosexuality and, above all, birth control — have burst out anew in the 24-hour coverage of the pope’s death.

Sexual liberalism has a lot of powerful things going for it in terms of attracting adherents: passion, for instance, the difficulty of self-restraint, the attractiveness of choice as the highest moral good. But sexual liberalism’s most powerful ally is the myth of progress. Sexual liberals, like Marxists of old, see themselves as the inevitable wave of the future. The Catholic Church is “out of step” with the future, they believe, and must eventually get in line with the poll numbers, or fade into irrelevance.

Ooooh, Marxists! Gay Marxists! Also, it’s cute how she jumps the gun and calls him Pope John Paul the Great. (Okay, bad word choice.)

5 replies on “Kinda Makes You Wonder How Much God Paid Her to Write This”

Okay, I’ll admit that a literal interpretation of the bible tells us that most of those things are in fact sins. Even if I allow the Bible to be the final say in absolutely everything, which I think would sort of be a bad idea, I don’t get the contraceptive thing. If a married couple wants to have sex but not any more kids, what’s the problem?

It’s funny how the Right uses analogies or arguments selectively to support their platform when it works, but never notice the hypocrisy when it does not. For example, that Social Security was written a long time ago and is kind of like a 1930’s Ford automobile and so maybe it’s time for a revamping. But the Bible, that old dusty text from many centuries ago is perfect the way it is.

Nameless — I’m no expert, but I think that the story of Onan, which is often invoked to condemn steamy self-abuse, is actually about how bad it is to “know” one’s wife without intending to procreate.

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