
low culture Gossip Alert Vol. 3

Despite Page Six’s lede, Pete Doherty, formerly of The Libertines, currently of Babyshambles, is indeed disappointingly, crashingly sober. And not only do Kate and Pete dance the 12-step together, he’s now attempting to guide the ur-waif’s new singing career.
Update: Or not.
And yeah, Juliet and Julian dance down the red carpet of commitment this spring. But what of the band’s rhythm section, similarly due for new tax filings, and the ceremony newly transported from France to New York? Now that’s news…

5 replies on “low culture Gossip Alert Vol. 3”

pete and kate together, is gonna be a long soap opera and a lot of money to the tabloids…

Juliet has been trying to get Julian to marry her for a year. The wedding was set for February and now has been pushed back to spring.
I doubt it will ever take place….he has also been seen around town with girls

I heard that Julian had a girlfrind in NYC, and that Juliet gave him an ultimatum to marry her otherwise she’d leave the management company… whatever’s happening though, I think everyone’s pretty certain that Jules’ll never be 100% monogamous..

I was so shocked, I almost broke down in the most dramatic set of tears I could ever produce. Do you know how much I wanted them to stay available? I know I had no chance, but to dream about having a chance was great. Now I know for certain there is noooo way I stand a chance. THANKS ALOT JULIET J (:P). You’ve completely hurt my feelings. LOL

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