
How you, too, can earn a paltry $15 million


RELATED: “US to Pledge $15 Million for Tsunami Aid”, and “Powell: U.S. is not ‘stingy’ when it comes to aid”
ALSO RELATED: The Cost of the War in Iraq, currently hovering around $200 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS
ALSO, ALSO RELATED: “Julia Roberts: $20 Million Woman?”
ALSO, ALSO, ALSO RELATED: Fuck you, America.

79 replies on “How you, too, can earn a paltry $15 million”

Thank you very much for pointing this out…God Bless you. Whoever the fuck had the balls to present that figure ($15,000,000) to the press needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail…I sincerely believe that the Bush administration sent up that flag hoping it would fly; we now have a clear definition of “compassionate conservatism”.

I’m just sickened. Priorities, o priorities. “Why do they hate us? They hate us because we’re free.” No, they hate us because of shit like this. Argh.

What you all are forgeting is that 2,000 American lives are worth much more than 12,000 Asian lives any day. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $19,999,998,800 more. That of course assumes that Iraq was because of 9/11… Also it doesn’t count Afghanistan or the money given to the people who’s family member’s died.

Again, this may be the least deceptive administration in our nation’s history. Is there ever any confusion about their beliefs, their motives, their loyalties? Thanks again for keeping your aim true. You guys are my heroes. Actually, I’ve never read L.C. but I’m sure it’s great.

When I saw the ‘you too can earn $15 million’ I assumed you were talking about a bond trader’s year end bonus…

– “ALSO, ALSO, ALSO RELATED: Fuck you, America.”
Grave, how much have you contributed? On a personal level I mean. Or do you assume that your magnificent judgment only applies to the dispersal of the wealth of others? My check’s been written for $1.5K, delivered to the Red Cross on Thursday during my regular platelet donation.
As I type, this page –
– is climbing by about $1,000 a minute, with substantial increases each time I tap the refresh key. And of course, it’s only one vector for American gnerosity.
Tell you what, next time you’re in West LA, phone me. I’ll meet you at the airport and you can BLOW ME, little boy.

Australia first pledged $10M but upped it to $35M when the good folks down here complained that that was a paltry amount, especially given Australia’s proximity to the affected region. If John Howard can find it in his cold, shrivelled little hole he calls his heart to more than triple his donation, surely Dubya can stop playing cowboy at his ranch long enough to do the same. At the very least.
But I guess brown people who are not Latino or Hispanic (and vote Republican) do not rate highly on his attention scale. Unless of course, those brown people are terrorists.
Let’s not forget, the tourists who survived have nice, dry homes and comfy lives to return to. The other victims do not.

Japan has pledged $30 million, twice as much as the US. CHINA, which was a 3rd world country a few years ago, has pledged more than $2 million. But they’re yellow too, so I guess they don’t count.
Thanks Grave. I’d be yanking my hair out once again over American arrogance were it not for the blogs.
One more story about 55,000 people dead, 12 of them Americans….grrrrrr

The US has announced it will more than double promised aid to $35 million. I guess the thought of being one-upped by Japan was just too much.

Yeah–what a stingy country we live in. Do you realize how much money we give the rest of the world on an annual basis? In FY2004 ALONE, the U.S. granted a total of $596,570,000 to the four countries most impacted by the recent tragedy (Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia). That’s only FOUR countries. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be giving more money to the recent victims–I think we should. But before you all go on your little American-hating trips, you should look into your facts a little closer. We are not stingy or selfish.

one tiny follow-up to the predictable, easily-anticipated “oh we spend so much more than anyone else” angle:
Irate Over ‘Stingy’ Remark, U.S. Adds $20 Million to Disaster Aid
“Mr. Egeland’s comments are the latest in a line of long-running complaints from international aid officials about general trends in aid from Western nations. These critics often cite a figure once put forward at the United Nations that wealthy countries should try to reach a target of spending seven-tenths of 1 percent of their national economy for aid to poor countries.
According to the Congressional Research Service, an independent agency, the United States is the largest aid donor in terms of dollars, but its record of donating two-tenths of 1 percent of its national economy for foreign aid makes it among the smallest donors as a proportion of what it could theoretically afford.”

When I was in Peace Corps in Kenya, Sweden gave more foreign aid to Kenya than the US did. Sweden. The vast majority of what we call “foreign aid” is aid to Israel. Doesn’t equate in my book.

i totally know what these people went through. once, i was walking down the sidewalk and this guy dumped out a cooler and this wall of water came rushing at me. it was terrifying. i wonder if there’s cheap beachfront property available now? hell, if there’s nobody left on some of these islands can we just take them over and make them states? that would be cool.

I think the point is, ANNOYED READER, that the citizens of our nation shouldn’t have to shore up the donations of the government IF the government is going to present itself as magnanamous, selfless givers (giving less than many other “lesser” countries). The other point is that we don’t even BLINK A FUCKING EYE at spending 200 billion to fight a pointless war, but getting $35 million to help millions in a ravaged, soon to be rampantly diseased land is like pulling teeth.
I’ll donate my own money for sure, but I bet a lot of people are donating because they can’t believe how stingy our government is being.
$35 mill? Like my friend said, that’s like giving a penny to help breast cancer.

If you want people to read this post, you should remove some of the pictures of all the darkies and replace them with pictures of that heroic supermodel.
Bonus: I hear she’s single again!

L’Emmerdeur, on the channel 9 news in Chicago they not only did a supermodel update report, but after mentioning that 60,000 people were dead (this morning at 7:00), they really brought the story home by assuring us that a Tsunami would never hit Chicago.
Geocentrism! It’s what’s for snack!

just goes to show how racist white people are. we give a billion to the jews in israel, and fuck the palestinians and the other brown people whenever we get a chance.

And today’s award for Broadest, Most Offensive Generalization goes to: observer.
Congrats my friend. You’re an idiot.

Presented without comment:
Bush gala has big donations pouring in
Tue Dec 28, 9:40 AM ET Top Stories – Chicago Tribune
(….cuts for length)
By Mark Silva Washington Bureau
Soldiers will dance free of charge at President Bush (news – web sites)’s second inauguration, a record $40 million-plus celebration for “a nation at war” financed by some of the same big donors who bankrolled Bush’s re-election campaign.
The president’s private inaugural committee, calling on corporate and individual donors to contribute as much as $250,000 apiece, has struck a military-minded theme for a three-day series of events leading to the swearing-in on Jan. 20.
Most of the money for ceremonies, such as the elaborate balls and the parade through Washington after Bush’s swearing-in at the west front of the Capitol, will come from a private committee with a stated budget of $30 million to $40 million. However, it is likely that Bush, who raised a record $270 million for his re-election, will surpass the $40 million spent on his first inauguration in 2001.
By comparison, President Bill Clinton (news – web sites) raised and spent $33 million for his inauguration in January 1993 and $23.7 million for his second swearing-in in 1997.
The fundraisers are asking corporate donors to purchase a $250,000 “underwriter package” that includes tickets to all inaugural events, 20 tickets for one of three candlelight dinners that the president will attend on the eve of the inauguration and two tickets for a more intimate lunch with Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
They are courting individual donors with a $100,000 “sponsor package” that includes fewer tickets to one of the candlelight dinners.
Twenty-one companies and individuals have donated the maximum $250,000. They include businesses with an interest in the outcome of the administration’s agenda on such matters as oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Among the top donors: Exxon Mobil Corp., Occidental Petroleum Corp., ChevronTexaco Corp. and Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, according to the committee’s accounting of about $8 million raised through Dec. 23.
Other $250,000 donors include former Enron President Richard Kinder of Houston; Dell computer founder Michael Dell of Austin, Texas; United Technologies Corp.; Stephens Group Inc., an investment firm in Little Rock, Ark.; and Sallie Mae Inc., the Reston, Va.-based organization that makes student loans.
Another 24 companies and individuals have given $100,000 apiece. These include Northrop Grumman Corp., a leading defense contractor; International Paper Co.; financial services company GMAC; and Al Hoffman, the Florida-based finance chairman for the Republican National Committee (news – web sites).
Mike Hightower, a vice president and lobbyist for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, is among those fundraisers. His company donated $100,000 for Bush’s first inauguration. And Hightower, involved in more than $3 million of fundraising for Bush’s re-election, is asking his company to help sponsor the 2005 inauguration.
Although the inaugural committee has imposed limits on top donors, there is no legal limit. This makes an inauguration a unique opportunity for political donors in an era when “soft-money” donations to political parties have been strictly curtailed by law and no individual or corporation can give more than $2,000 to a presidential campaign.
“This is one of the few places left where corporations, wealthy individuals and others can provide a huge sum of money to directly help a president, and gain access and influence as a result,” said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, a Washington-based public interest group.
The government’s expense will be limited to about $3 million, supporting the swearing-in and related services. Bush will be escorted by a bigger-than-normal military honor guard, and review troops as he departs.
Inauguration’s $250,000 donors
Altria Corporate Services Inc.
(New York)
Parent company of Kraft and Philip Morris
Ameriquest Capital Corp.
(Orange, Calif.)
Financial services company
Argent Mortgage Company
(Orange, Calif.)
ChevronTexaco Corp.
(Concord, Calif.)
Corporate Capital LLC
(New Orleans)
Investment firm
Exxon Mobil Corp.
Golden Eagle Industries Inc.
Buiding materials company
Kojaian Ventures LLC
(Bloomfield Hills, Mich.)
Long Beach Acceptance Corp.
(Paramus, N.J.)
Auto loan company
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
(Los Angeles)
Rooney Holdings Inc.
Construction company
Sallie Mae Inc. (Reston, Va.)
Student loan organization
Southern Company Inc.
Energy utility
Stephens Group Inc.
(Little Rock, Ark.)
Investment firm
Town and Country Credit
(Irvine, Calif.)
Mortgage company
United Technologies Corp.
(Hartford, Conn.)
Aerospace and industrial manufacture

Elliott Broidy
(Los Angeles)
Founder of investment firm Broidy Capital Management
Michael Dell
(Austin, Texas)
Founder of the Dell computer company
Richard Kinder
Former Enron president
S. Davis Phillips
(High Point, N.C.)
Former North Carolina commerce secretary
T. Boone Pickens
Texas oilman
Sources: Presidential Inaugural Committee, company Web sites, news reports
Note: List current as of Dec. 23.

> …citizens of our nation shouldn’t have to
> shore up the donations of the government
> IF the government is going to present
> itself as…
The fundamental liberal fantasy in fullest flower: We can, and should, live the bulk of our lives through government! Where all the brightest and most decent people, like Hillary and Gore, will *Lead* us into the bold new dawn of a compassionate, sustainable tomorrow! Let’s all join hands: “We are the world, we are the children…”
Jess Kitten, you’ve got it precisely backwards: Americans are giving hand over fist. Did I mention my own check to be delivered in the morning? That Amazon fund is at three megabucks as I type, and that’s a tiny slice of the pie. Can you IMAGINE how much charity is going to happen in sanctuaries across the counstryside this Sunday morning?
No, you can’t, because you don’t have any respect for anything you can’t grab a slice of, at least in terms of something you can vote for. You live your life, and express your ethics, through government and her revenues, collected at the butt of a rifle. Which is pathetic.
Buttercup Jessica, it’s safe to assume that you were just kidding about giving some percentage of your annual wealth to the relief effort. But I hope you weren’t. Try to understand that the real problems in this world are not with policy, they’re with individual human hearts, including yours and mine.
Don’t kid yourself: The war in Iraq is a fucking bargain, in terms of both blood and treasure… Unless you’re the sort of person who thinks we should continue to try to run things over there through crime families, as we did with Saddam. Or do you think we ought to be paying market price to a democratic Iraq for their oil? Just asking.
Remember Jessica, when you’re in WLA and you need someone to blow, just pick up your cell phone and think of me.

Oh the troll’s deliciously smarmy tone almost warms my heart in these tragic times. I’m a fucking freelancer and don’t have the time to write that kind of long-winded self-righteous windbaggery.

Dear Annoyed Reader,
How nice for you, to have the means to write a big fat virtuous check. When you speak of blood and treasure, do you really think your wrist exercise compares to the cost for the parents of a wasted soldier? How much are you really giving up? A thousand dollar check is a minor annoyance to some, a catastrophe for others. Your complacency has distorted your thinking.
The topic here is the size of our charity towards the disaster. This might be a chance to win some hearts and minds, historically a better insurance against terrorism than any military adventurism. It is unseemly for a country spending billions on luxury to look cheap when such a disaster strikes.
Finally, your need to demonstrate superiority by forcing others to perform fellatio reveals more about you than you might wish. There are plenty of sites specifically geared for that, and they’ll even pretend to like you and call you a big man.

> The topic here is the size of our charity
> towards the disaster.
Exactly; and you are unable to comprehend that American charity will not be first and best expressed through government. The idea that you, as an individual, might have a sacrifice to make is scary.

Since when is saying “pick up the phone and call me” the same as forcing someone?
Proportion, people, proportion.

I’m a mean person, and I suck. I lied about the big fat check and the blood donation too.

I hope all you people denigrating America’s contribution to the world are prepared to leave this country. I’m so sick of you all bitching and complaining constantly about this country, about how evil we are and how selfish we are. If you aren’t enjoying your time in the US–then get the hell out. I’m sure there are plenty of European wussy countries that would welcome you with open arms (read: France and Spain). But I know you won’t leave–you have it too good here. You have jobs and money and freedoms and The O.C. Why would you leave? Make up your freaking minds–either you hate America or you love it. And if you hate it, then why stay? Oh, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Brian–And you’re all about short-winded self-righteous windbaggery. Thanks from all of us evil trolls for keeping your windbaggery to a minimum. I don’t think I could stand the sound of your whiny voice for much longer than that.

Annoyed Reader, thanks for completely missing the point and apparently confusing my post with about 12 others. You’re really on the ball today.
You don’t know at ALL what I’m donating to this relief fund, but suffice it I donate to a variety of different charities on a regular basis and I don’t get any sort of ‘slice’ out of it. I’d venture to say, even though the quest for humanity shouldn’t be a horse race, that I have more empathy and compassion than you, it’s just I don’t publish on national websites how much I give and to whom.
And I stand by my statement that a great number of donations will be brought in from the private sector precisely because our government looks like a big band of idiots giving so little.
And by the way, any venture where thousands of lives are needlessly lost in pursuit of revenge cannot ever be considered a “Bargain”.
But you knew that right?

Just a thought….
If you were walking down the street, gave a ten to someone asking for help and he threw it back at you, saying you should have given him a $20, what would you do? Would you be appropriately chastised, reach into your wallet and hand over a twenty, throwing in a five to make up for the insullt? Or would you point out to the person that you didn’t have give anything?

If the government didn’t give a dime it would be dickish, but it would be their perogative, I understand that.
But don’t make a big magnanamous gesture about how great and wealthy and amazing America is and then throw pocket change at a gigantic problem and expect no one to say anything.
If I had a million dollars and a man asked asked me for help for his family and I gave him fifty cents, you don’t think that would be ridiculous?

Since you didn’t have to give anything, it would be nice. Maybe not as nice as you could have been, but nicer than not doing anything at all.

It is nice. No one is saying don’t send the $35 million, but for anyone to act surprised that we scoff at it is crazy.
I’m emabarrassed as an American that this is all my country could manage to scrounge up for a country that will have hundreds of thousands dead before the count is up. And then at the same time we found $200 billion to rebuild a country that we forcibly destroyed of our own volition.
Makes NO sense. But I guess if Sri Lanka had a lot of oil we’d be sending our best men to help out.

> …I lied about…
To whoever’s pretending to be me: Nope, I gave 1% of my income to this crisis, and thanks for asking. And I donate platelets, not blood.
Jessica, there’s a reason we got under your skin today, OK? There’s no such thing as expressing your deep personal compassion with other people’s money. This is a satiric website that tends to get young readers who haven’t figured this out. But that’s what charity means, giving something as an individual because you think it’s right.
> …lives are needlessly lost in pursuit
> of revenge …
That’s not my take. Historically, the US and the west have run these nations by supporting local dictators and crime families. It hasn’t worked out. So now we’re going to insist that anyone who takes our money receives it in a democratic, capitalist market. Isn’t that what you want? Is there any other way to morally claim the oil than to pay a market price for it?

Where to start. $35 million is the emergency relief. What of the overall aid that is given to that segment of the world ($12M to Sri Lanka in 2002 alone — — and $2.4B overall in 2004 — Does that not count? As far as the $200B to Iraq, that’s a historic part of the US post-warfare (Japan, Germany, S. Korea). Not always, but more often then not. But let’s go down that path for a bit. Would it be better if the US government were to withdraw $200B from Iraq for the affected regions? I daresay that things would get even worse.
The oil thing is a bit of specious reasoning. All US actions are predicated on oil? That would explain invasion of Venezula in ’02 or lower Siberia back in ’01. Please provide some supporting documentation, if you wouldn’t mind.
And, as an aside, there is a fairly strong US military contingent heading to Sri Lanka right now (, supplementing the ones who are already there ( I don’t know you, but I trust that you’re not implying that these men and women are anything but our best.

Once again, Annoyed Reader and DCLite seem to be selectively reading my posts in order to further their agendas.
Annoyed: cut and paste where i said I’m not donating out of my own pocket. Please. I’ll give you twenty four hours. Even if our government donated upwards of $100 million (which they certainly could afford), I would do my personal part. You’re missing that statement every time. What I’m not missing is how goddam proud you are to flaunt how much money you’re giving away. It doesn’t make you a better person the bigger your donation sweety. Compensating much?
The war in Iraq is “revenge for papa” and nothing more. Saddam is out of power, which is an amazing and wonderful benefit, but if we refuse to leave until everything in Iraq is a shiny happy America II, we’ll have troops living and dying there until the last trumpet. COUNT ON IT.
DCLITE: anyone who is helping in Sri Lanka is part of the world’s best population. Anyone who gives of themselves is worthy of laudation (and yes, that includes the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan who are giving their lives not even in protection of their OWN country, but someone else’s). My statement about the oil was a type of metaphor. It seems as I grow and learn more about our ‘wonderful’ country it becomes obvious that like many have often theorized, there is no altruism. If there was a way for the U.S. to actively benefit from helping these tiny countries like Sri Lanka or the devastated islands via oil, or political support,or trade, then you can bet your ASS we’d be bent over backwards to help them rebuild.

‘s alright. I rather liked MC Lyte when she was around.
As far as the “best population” thing goes, I was figuring that you would have included the troops (as well as the other volunteers) in that grouping. I think I said as much.
The oil comment I didn’t read as a metaphor; it seemed fairly direct. My apologies. Part of the problem I have with these type of discussions (online) is that some of the subtleties of face to face communications are lost.
As far as the US benefiting from their efforts (directly or otherwise), I’d say you’re probably right. Countries (and other large groups) tend to act in their own perceived interests (was it Kissinger who said, “Countries have no friends, only interests”?).

35 million is about two hours worth in Iraq.
Someone made the point that the US does benefit by keeping the rats (terrorists) from setting up shop in a destabilized, disordered area of the world. An once of prevention and all that.

DC-ite. Sorry for the confusion. It’s hard to type sarcasm,metaphor and rolling eyes you know?
Suffice it to say that these countries will take any help they can get right now and every penny is helpful be it from Joe Q. Lunchpail or the highest echelons of government…but to be one of the richest countries in the world and to profess yourself as the entire world’s caretaker (i.e. the middle east), it does seem ridiculously cheap to only throw in $35 million. And I’m sure it looks ridiculous to other countries who are giving just as much, if not more, and who can’t afford it.
To me it seems the bottom line is, we see no future ‘give backs’ from these countries, they could never help us if we were devastated, so our government doesn’t really give a shit. And that’s sad. I know it’s the way the world works, but frankly, I DON’T CARE FOR IT! :: slamming fist on desk ::

hey, you know who’s missing from this conversation? Hornsofthedevil!!! i’m sure he’d be reminding us that as the largest muslim nation on earth, indonesia certainly doesn’t deserve any help, what with their horrible horrible human rights abuses…
That being said, it truly sickens me that our dear leader used the public airwaves on christmas day to remind americans to do christian things like helping those in need, feeding the hungry, you know, the true spirit of christmas…and then takes 5 days to even respond publicly to this horrific tragedy- hypocrisy at its finest!

>European wussy countries
Seriously. Think about a career in international relations. You’ve got ‘ambassador’ written aaaaall over you.

Just because some European countries don’t propose to be the world’s police and Number 1 Head Honcho doesn’t make them wussy.

Aid for Tsunami victims $35 million
Bush Inaugural $45 million
Cost for one day of Iraq war $177 million
Total in Iraq to date $200 BILLION

Aid for Tsunami victims $35 million
Bush Inaugural $45 million
Cost for one day of Iraq war $177 million
Total in Iraq to date $200 BILLION

Good news: The Ferengi have pledged 20 million Quatloos.
Bad news: That’s 20 million in loan guarantees, with interest.
Just replace Ferengi with Bush, and Quatloos with Dollars.

As far as your example of the man giving a poor man money on the street, I agree, but thats not what we are talking about. Instead concider this: you, the richest man in your community, are walking down the street with your family when you see someone be robbed. You, unfortunately, are unable to stop the act, but the victen asks for some monatary help. You give him ten dollars, after which the other members of you’re family say that you should have given more. See, I don’t know about you, but I pay taxes every year. That makes the money the government spends partly mine, along with every other American citizen. That means that if we want to make demands on how the government spends the money they collect, we have every right.
Second, to Cwiz,
I’m sick and tired of people saying that if I don’t like how America is run, I should just leave. No offence to anyone reading this, but that is absloute bullshit. I am lucky enough to live in one of the richest countries in the world, but it is not perfect. If you honestly believe that this country’s government should be without opposition, maybe you’re the one who should leave the country. Last I checked, freedom of belief was central to the constitution. Then again, I came from a poor school district, so I may be wrong.

Your analogy doesn’t completely track. It’s not possible to stop a tsunami (at least, under the constraints of present day technology); there’s no culpability of any sort to the observer (which there might be under the idea that ‘well, maybe if I had done “X”, I could have stopped the robbery’).
But, following down the analogy anyway, what’s to prevent you (the observer) from saying back to your family, “while I appreciate your input, I’ve made my decision. Feel free to give if you want on your own”. Hence, private donations (, for instance).
You are correct in that you have the right to voice your opinion to the government. You also have the right to follow your own conscious — and your own pocketbook — and not expect the government to be the vehicle of fulfilling your own desires. No matter how well intentioned and good hearted.
Now, to interject something a bit off topic, if you are putting forth the concept that only people who pay taxes have standing to voice an opinion to the US government, then that leads to the somewhat interesting conclusion that the US really shouldn’t care much about what anyone else thinks. That would mean that UN was *way* out of line to suggest that the US needs to pay more. Borrowing from your analogy, it would be as if a 2nd cousin phoned up to chew you (the observer) out for not giving out a twenty.

Where is Rush Limbaugh’s check?
Where is Bill O’Reilly’s check?
Where is Bill Bennet’s check?
Where is Ann Coulter’s check?
Those who measure love in dollars, where is their charity?

all crap aside $15 million is stingy and you know it: America likes the image of being the richest country in the world, but fur coat and no-knickers comes mind.

>If the shoe fits, Cara, wear it.
I think in your case that would be “If the non-sequitur fits…”

> OOPS! I forgot about that 315 million
> dollars I had…
Right, government is a stingy parent, a single, featureless, cold personality against which you can project your infantile traumas of disappointment, heartache and deprivation.
The world is so frosty and hurtful, but in your heart, all is gentle and pure!

Although I’m pretty sure you got my point, I would like to say I’m also certain that you know that I don’t believe that only tax payers can have something to say about how we in the US spend our money, but my point is that we, as taxpayers, had a right and a responsibility to cry out for better funding. As it happened, it actually worked, although maybe not as much as I would have liked. Bush pledged nearly jack-shit, people expressed distaste, our country pledged more. And now whatever difference there is left can be made up for in private donations.

Please take note:
the UN rep has since recanted his statements because they are outlandishly false.
because the UN only recieves statistics on charitable donations that are alotted and organized by the governments of the nations around the world.
they do NOT keep tabs on private secotr donations to charity and if some of us in here would do just the SLIGHTEST amount of research, tyhey would find that the US isd accountbale for nearly 40% of the monetary contributions to worldwide charity every year.
we do not live in western europe where charities are managed by government institutions(largely ineffctive ones i might add).
the United States has always let the private sector handle charities and we are far from stingy.

The UN representative has stoped criticizing our government because Bush has pledged more. I’ll say it again: he pledged too much–> we protested his stinginess–> Bush pledged more. Looks like the system where people can criticize their government does work after all. Sorry to burst your bubble horns.

you haven’t bursted my bubble nameless soldier.
(happy new year btw, i enjoy how we keep bumping into each other in here)
you have unfortunately disregarded the facts.
the US government has given more because of criticism, but the criticism wasn’t warranted.
people heaped criticism upon the US because the UN INCORRECTLY stated that we did not contribute to disaster relief.
did they account for US citizens individual contributions to CARE, UNICEF and The Red Cross this year?
i think you’ll find that those relief organizations rely on the money contributed by US citizens and companies more than any other government’s organized funds allocated to them annually.
would they have been able to act upon the disaster as quickly if they had not been provided with the funds we donated them this year?
probably not.
again – government organized charities does NOT reflect how much money the United States gives to charity.
we give more than any other nation on the planet always.
and i am hesitant to state that because its repulsive to think of this whole thing as a contest when so many poeople have died – but even more revolting are those who would use the tragedy to jump at the chance at misrepresenting the US fine record of charitable giving.
any chance to drag our nation through the mud huh?
who cares about the facts.

Happy New Year to you as well. If the debate is about which country’s independent citizens contributes the most money to charities, than thats America, but thats not really the issue here. The issue is that the government makes a lot of claims to want to win the “hearts and minds” of muslims, so as to prevent terrorism. The best way to do that is with direct contributions from the government. That is expecially true when you are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on a war that was opposed by most of the world ande that history may very well prove to have been unjust.

from where i’m standing, its islam that has to make the effort to win the hearts and minds of the world.
(i’m confident that history will prove contrary to your assessment of the effort in Iraq)
but thats neither here nor there – the point is that the UN misrepresented the amount of charitable contributions the US is responsible for.

> the United States has always let the private sector handle charities and we are far from stingy.
let’s extend the idea and let the private sector handle the war as well. why can’t the government take a private sector approach to that as well?
all that private sector stuff is just bull – a ideological(?) smokescreen to push or explain away the priorities of our current government.

I have no idea how IDIOT Americans are…
This blog and these comments really explains it all…Stop being so ignorant and selfish ppl…

the creator of this blog and the ppl who commented here are low-life for sure…
pls…and you wonder why others hate americans? You are the CAUSE!

ardnian, shut the hell up. other people hate us because we’re rich and beautiful. especially me. you, i’m guessing, are ugly and poor. which means we should invade your country asap to spread the wonder of american culture.

Very inteligent ardnian, I always agree with people who insult me without any evidence to back their statement up. And by the way I believe it’s arrogance that most countries dilike about America, sort of like yours. And anyway, what do you mean? Us or horns? I’ll restate, it is your insistance that you have the only true opinion that makes other peoples hate us. Thanks.

I was so angry at how little our country was doing for these people who have lost there homes, their families, their children to something that they did not cause and could not avoid. I may only be a senior in high school, and I am by no means an international relations expert, but it seems a little messed up to me that the “richest country on earth” that is so “rich and beautiful” is so selfish. $35 million dollars from a government that spends so liberally seems a little more than disgusting. With 294,451,983 people in our country, $35 million dollars is a little over a dime a person. Imagine if we all gave a dollar, and maybe even a little more. Noone can argue that people cannot afford to give away a dollar to people who have lost their homes. Imagine how much money could be raised if noone drank pop or ate candy or ice cream or whatever for a week, hell even one lunch, perhaps from noon to 1 on January 16, wouldnt that be nice, (any food we dont actually need to SURVIVE), and instead gave the money to relief for the affected regions. I understand I am asking way to much for a country with a GDP of nearly $11 Trillion dollars. I am so sorry for requesting a little generousity, I realize that asking for alittle help makes me the real Mr. Scrooge.
P.S. Please stop bickering on the blogs, It doesnt do any good.

When News Moves Faster Than the Speed of Reality

We’re not sure what’s wrong with us today. Maybe it’s the abrupt change in temperature, our exhaustion, or that old…

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