“Don’t you dare try to eat mommy’s Häagen Dazs, Miss Whiskers!”
You’re watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, and Bridget’s love interest, the supportive “human rights lawyer” Mark Darcy (as played by the normally acceptable Colin Firth) utters the following line in the middle of an argument between the two lovebirds:
I’m not angry at you, Bridget. I’m disappointed.
(He smiles.)
Disappointed that I can’t go home with you right now.
And the audience collectively coos a unified, “Awwwwwwwwwww…”
3 replies on “When To Walk Out on Bridget: or, How To Tell You’re Surrounded By Career Women in Their Mid-Twenties”
Gross, (sound of retching).
you were at a bridget jones movie ffs, it’s self-evident from the minute you decide to go to the cinema
jp, you know damn well you sat right through to the end of that movie and wept like a woman.