Matthew McConaughey is hip? When did that happen?
Title: Dirty Little Secret
Log line: The lives of a hip, successful couple are overwhelmed by the arrival of their first child. Tensions build between them as they leave high society to enter the world of baby-proofers, nannies and preschool waiting lists.
Writer: Elisa Bell
Agent: William Morris Agency
Buyer: Paramount Pictures
Price: n/a
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Logged: 1/14/04
More: Loosely inspired by Julie Tilsner’s book Attack of the Toddlers!. j.k. livin’s Matthew McConaughey and Gus Gustawes and Mad Chance’s Andrew Lazar will produce. Mark Gustawes will co-produce. Damien Saccani will executive produce. Matthew McConaughey will also star.
(From Done Deal)
4 replies on “I’m waiting ’till it’s on HBO”
come on… to everyone who grew up on dazed and confused, mcconaughey is *somewhat* cool…
The *ultra-hip* Sandra Bullock thinks so … actually, I am still trying to figure out why people still write about Kevin Costner and how did Chris O’connell have a film career?
yeah… what is chris oconnel donig these days?
O’donnell is on one of those gritty doctor shows now. A far cry from a lead actor in Tinseltown.