RELATED: Bushies feeling the boss’ wrath: Prez’s anger growing in hard times – pals, Thomas M. DeFrank, the Daily News, October 24, 2005
Month: October 2005
Bearded men in ballcaps = National Leaguers feigning their being up to the task of winning the 2005 World Series.
Bearded man in black and white = anonymous Silverlake-type dweller who probably feigns liking Elliott Smith and Paul Auster. Also, he seems happy, unlike the soon-to-be-eliminated Houston Astros.
RELATED: Time for a shave: Astros rookie shares thoughts on Game 2 loss
Buried deep within this morning’s completely-not-shocking “revelations” that President Bush’s handpicked Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) very likely knew what he was doing when he unloaded his soon-to-depreciate healthcare stocks, and may have been involved in some form of so-called insider trading, was this throwaway item:
Questions about his HCA holdings have been a staple of Frist’s public life. The Nashville-based company, the country’s largest chain of for-profit hospitals, was founded in 1968 by Frist’s father, Thomas F. Frist, his brother, Thomas F. Frist Jr., and Jack C. Massey, the former owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Mmmm! That’s quite a tasty, fattening little nugget of information for our liberal diets.
Redactio ad Absurdum
In anticipation of this “Fitzmas” nonsense due sometime this week, here’s hoping special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s indictment(s) and/or reports are a little more nuanced and fleshed-out than this relevant historical document, the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq (July 7, 2004). Page 79, above, is from the section addressing Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s Niger reporting.
You can see it’s page 79 because, well, that’s all you can see. That and some nicely-formatted, indeterminately-numbered bullet points and indentations.
You’ll laugh as Chris Ware “takes out the trash”!
You’ll roar when Elmore Leonard’s tough guys hash over the Holocaust!
You’ll roll in the aisles when Allison Silverman confronts the ugly face of anti-Semitism!
The Times Magazine Funny Pages — Does the fun ever start?!?
Previously: As Seen on the New York Times Magazine’s “Funny Pages”
(With the flashiest of thanks to James Reitano.)
As anticipated, The Smoking Gun has posted Tom DeLay’s mugshot, taken earlier this afternoon. The wire services, however, lack our EXCLUSIVE* Ultrrrra-Zoom technology, and seem to have missed out on the hidden story, the coded message that Rep. DeLay is sending to a particular subset of his would-be base:
SEE ALSO: The blogosphere’s semi-ridiculous Libby Writes IN CODE to Miller?, Daily Kos, October 1, 2005
*With all due reverence to Golden Fiddle. You go, boyfriend!
President George W. Bush: colorblind, or blind to reality?
From Education Law Gets First Test in U.S. Schools, the New York Times, October 20, 2005:
Fourth-grade math students showed some of the most rapid progress in closing the achievement gap between black and white students, Mr. Kingsbury said. Extrapolating from those results, he said, black and white students would probably be performing at equal proficiency levels by 2034. Other results, like eighth-grade reading, suggest it will take 200 years or more for the gap to close, he said.
From President and Secretary Spellings Discuss Nation’s Report Card, hurling forth from the straight-shooting mouth of President Bush (via the White House’s Office of the Press Secretary), October 19, 2005:
This is an encouraging report. Thank you for coming, Madam Secretary, because it shows there’s an achievement gap in America that is closing; that minority students, particularly in fourth grade math and fourth grade reading are beginning to catch up with their Anglo counterparts.
Embattled former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), looking sharp in a shirt-and-sportcoat combo by BCBG Max Azria ($2749)
Texas Court Issues Arrest Warrant for DeLay, the Washington Post, October 19, 2005:
A Texas court today issued an arrest warrant for Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), the powerful former House majority leader, ordering him to appear for booking at a county jail in his home district.
However, the defense reportedly had hoped to avoid submitting DeLay, formerly the second-ranking Republican leader in the House, to the fingerprinting and mug shot photography that accompanies a formal arrest.