From yesterday’s “President Participates in Conversation on Medicare”, El Mirage, Arizona, August 29, 2005:
“There’s no way — I wish I could just snap my fingers and lower the price of gasoline for you. The markets don’t work that way. I’d be snapping if I could do it. (Laughter.) But we’ve got a strategy and a plan to help you.”
From “President Speaks to U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Conference”, Washington, D.C., April 20, 2005:
“A guy said, why don’t you lower gasoline prices, Mr. President? (Laughter.) I said, I wish I could; I wish I could simply wave a magic wand and lower gas prices tomorrow; I’d do that.
That’s why one of the first things I did when I came to office four years ago was to develop a national energy strategy. My first month in office I sent Congress a plan to put America on the path to greater energy security. For four years, Congress has discussed and debated, but they haven’t achieved any results. Today, members of Congress began debating an energy bill, and this time they need to give us one. The summer travel season is fast approaching. Gas prices are on the minds of millions of Americans. Members of Congress can send an important signal that they are serious about solving America’s energy problems by getting a bill to my desk before the summer recess. (Applause.)”
From “President Discusses Energy Policy”, Washington, D.C., June 15, 2005:
“But people got to understand our dependence on foreign oil didn’t develop overnight, and it’s not going to be fixed overnight. To solve the problem, our nation needs a comprehensive energy policy. (Applause.) That’s why one of the first things I did when I came to office four years ago was to develop a new energy strategy for America. And in my first months in office, I sent Congress a plan to put our nation on the path to greater energy independence. For four years, that United States Congress has discussed and debated the plan — with no result. So earlier this year, I sent a clear message to Congress: Get a good energy bill on my desk before the August recess. Now is the time for them to act.”
Of course, a few weeks ago, the President’s cure-all came through, just in the nick of time to save American consumers from gas prices that approach $3! Right?
Oh, wait.
One reply on “OK, you’ve snapped your fingers, waved a magic wand, and signed a bill into law…now what?”
why the f** are they CLAPPING for him?