
Presenting Todd Solondz’s Soon-to-Be NAACP Image Award-Winning Film, Palindromes

Better make room next to that 2001 Impact award for Story Telling.
Is anyone else looking forward to when Solondz makes the John Waters-like transition into Broadway musical kitsch maestro? Welcome to the Dollhouse is basically ready. (It even has a killer signature song.) Happiness, on the other hand, is a harder sell.
Well, people paid to see Assassins.

5 replies on “Presenting Todd Solondz’s Soon-to-Be NAACP Image Award-Winning Film, Palindromes

Way to criticize the NAACP for being overly sensitive!!
I mean, you wouldn’t be slinging those P.C. accusations at Solondz by association, thank goodness! You are free of that taint! Thank goodness you aren’t a bunch of humorless twits having it both ways and creating an atmosphere in which artists can’t take risks!
I’m sure Mr. Solondz will heed your — uh, that is to say, the presumed NAACP rebuke and behave himself next time.

Personally, as an artist, I will no longer take risks. Now I’ll be able to sell my work. Thanks LowCulture!

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