“After enduring a brutally fought election campaign, Americans are optimistic about the next four years under President Bush, but have reservations about central elements of the second-term agenda he presented in defeating Senator John Kerry, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.”
– Americans Show Clear Concerns on Bush Agenda, by Adam Nagourney and Janet Elder, The New York Times, Nov. 23, 2004.
“President Bush is heading into his second term, with his job approval rising to 55 percent, a new poll shows.
“Bush’s post-election bounce and growing public support come at a time when 72 percent of Americans say the country is deeply divided, according to the nationwide Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll.”
–W. SOARS IN POST-VOTE POLL, Deborah Orin, The New York Post, Nov. 23, 2004.
And they say there’s no consensus in this country.