From “Sick Bag Note Caused United Flight To Turn Back”, July 28, 2004:
…An air sickness bag with the letters “B O B” scrawled on it had been found in a toilet on board.
The pilot decided the note could have meant “bomb on board” and returned to Sydney, dumping almost a full load of fuel before the Boeing 747-400 landed safely.
Several other possibilities were being investigated, including that the note could have been a popular flight crew acronym for a good looking passenger, or simply a man named Bob.
One suggestion: aviation officials ought to have paid closer attention to the phrase “FIRE WALK WITH ME” that was scrawled on the bag’s flipside.
3 replies on “As any David Lynch fan will tell you, it really stands for “Beware of Bob””
What else does BOB stand for?
Fire walk with me was on the flip side? That’s hilarious. Too bad the pilot never watched that quality show
Found in the bathroom? Maybe “Bootycall on Board”…with a Babe on Board (which, presumably, is what the Reuters journalist was straining not to write.)