Dubious claims made in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine:
Lest you jump to the conclusion that they attend a finishing-school where ladylike deportmant is instilled along with a wobbly grasp of the 3 R’s, both girls are ninth graders at Brearley, a Manhattan girls’ school that prides itself on its high academic standards and is renowned for producing independent-minded young women…
The Machines Men Still Want? by Daphne Merkin
Q: You’re the daughter of the novelist Alice Walker. Why did you decide to take her name instead of your father’s, who is a lawyer?
A: It’s not that important for me right now. Can we talk about something else?
Questions for Rebecca Walker by Deborah Solomon
“Andrea’s work has been about exposing the mechanism of the whole art system,” explained Dan Cameron, senior curator at the New Museum… “It underscores the paradox of ownership and pushes it into a realm that hasn’t been so pointed before.”
Sex, Art and Videotape by Guy Trebay
Now he’s releasing his first solo album, “The Slow Wonder,” under the name A.C. Newman – his initials “sound more rock, like AC/DC,” he explains – having received a grant from a Canadian foundation to record it.
Page Turner by Chris Norris
Carl Nelkin, a 43-year-old Dublin-born Jewish aviation-law consultant, has been trying to improve the situation by “marketing Ireland as a destination for Jewish people to move to.”
The Fading World of Leopold Bloom by Jonathan Wilson
“Golf is the new rock ‘n’ roll,” says Tim Southwell, editor of a new magazine called Golf Punk.
Dressed to the 9-Irons by Horacio Silva