Showing off his new toy: “U.S. President George W. Bush drives Iraqi President Ghazi al-Yawar past photographers after their meeting at the Group of Eight Summit in Sea Island, Georgia, June 9, 2004.” (Reuters)
2 replies on “Pimp My Ride (Iraq edition): Leather seats, CD changer, and an interim government”
Are you kidding me? My tax dollars went towards that so-patriotically-colored go-kart? WTF? What’s next? A Jesus-themed helicopter for showing Sharon his Texas ranch? Oh god. How many days till the election?
If elections are ever held in Iraq, I’m sure the opposition could make use of that image.
I wonder if there’s an old photo somewhere of Hitler riding Prescott Bush on the handlebars of his tricked out Nazi-themed huffy.
Didn’t Stalin, Churchill, and Truman race soapbox derby at Potsdam?
Sleep secure in the knowledge that the leaders of our planet are essentially an in-bred billionaire Our Gang (Spanky: “Let’s put on a show!”). It’s our job to kill and die for their toys and just shut the fuck up about it.
2 replies on “Pimp My Ride (Iraq edition): Leather seats, CD changer, and an interim government”
Are you kidding me? My tax dollars went towards that so-patriotically-colored go-kart? WTF? What’s next? A Jesus-themed helicopter for showing Sharon his Texas ranch? Oh god. How many days till the election?
If elections are ever held in Iraq, I’m sure the opposition could make use of that image.
I wonder if there’s an old photo somewhere of Hitler riding Prescott Bush on the handlebars of his tricked out Nazi-themed huffy.
Didn’t Stalin, Churchill, and Truman race soapbox derby at Potsdam?
Sleep secure in the knowledge that the leaders of our planet are essentially an in-bred billionaire Our Gang (Spanky: “Let’s put on a show!”). It’s our job to kill and die for their toys and just shut the fuck up about it.