April Photos

Splendor in the grass

My grandmother took ill recently, so I had to make a sojourn back to Red Bank and pay her a visit. Of course, I brought my digital camera! Here are some “artsy” shots I took of the fields behind her house while my brothers and sisters were caring for her.
Here we are again, a few hours later. I really like the way the light works with the shapes in the foreground. My aunt said Grandma was nauseous, so I wanted to give her some space and went outside again, taking the opportunity to shoot more photos. You know, when you’re given lemons, you make lemonade!

April Photos

Goodbye, Lenin! (and hello, Berlin!)

After all the positive response to my photos from London, I realized I forgot to post snapshots from my February trip to the 2004 European Advertising Conference in Berlin, which has now, thankfully, been free of the infamous “Wall” for more than a decade. Above is a shot of the stoic facade of concrete about which President Reagan so elegantly implored, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!”
I don’t really know what this is, but my German hosts said something to the effect of it being a relic of East Germany’s attempts at building architectural marvels that could rival the West’s creativity. All I know is, this isn’t something I could safely pitch as an ad concept to Nestle or GM and feel as though they’d get it.

April Photos

I’m almost sorry to be back…

I just returned from my business trip to London, and wanted to post some “brilliant” photos of the world’s loveliest city! (That’s what all the UK-based ad agency executives I met with said whenever they liked something, or thought it was cool…”Brilliant!”) Anyway, here’s their equivalent of Times Square.
They have all these public restrooms over there, too…really amazing. I didn’t have the need to use one, thankfully, so I don’t know if you need to insert coins to use them, but I bet they cost more than a “quid”.