
Another slow news week

fired.jpg“Since we know you’re wondering, let the record show that every weirdly combed follicle you see is his. Trump swoops up his bangs to prove it. “I don’t say my hair is my greatest strength in the world, but it’s not terrible,” he says, though perhaps it would look better if someone other than his girlfriend cut it,” The World According to Trump, by Keith Naughton and Marc Peyser, Newsweek, Feb. 23, 2004
Related: “The numbers are stark and staggering. In the past three years, 232,400 jobs have been lost in the city. Every employment category except health care and teaching and educational services has taken a brutal hit… And the jobs could be gone forever,” Where Have All The Jobs Gone?, by William Sherman, New York Daily News, Feb. 23, 2004.

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